Wrights Choice Residential First-Time Home Buyer Housing Development on the Eastern Shore of Maryland

wrights choice logoThe Eastern Shore of Maryland is a beautiful display of nature’s bounty. In order to help increase the number of homes on the Eastern Shore so more people could enjoy the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay’s tributaries – covering around 4,480 square miles – Souza had a plan. Conceive, acquire, sub-divide, develop, design, and bring to Denton, Maryland a residential housing development with a central location where residents could explore nature to their heart’s desire.

But…the cost of homes on the Eastern Shore were out of many people’s range. Souza was inspired to help these individuals by developing an affordable, first-time homebuyers community. Wrights Choice was born. Wrights Choice was brought to life once Double Hills Estates was substantially complete.

And guess what? The Declaration of Independence was signed by four (4) Marylanders. Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll, William Paca, and Samuel Chase. Being also involved in the promotion of the restoration of Charles Carroll of Carrollton’s home on Carroll Creek in Annapolis, Souza thought it timely and beneficial to promote the restoration by bringing attention to their great work.

Here are some sketches of the models named after Thomas, Charles, William, and Samuel. Yes, we’d like to protect the actual built homesites of our first-time homebuyers, so we’re just posting a few sketches of the models so you can enjoy what they dreamed of when their very first home was presented to them.


Wrights Choice Affordable First-Time Homebuyers’ Choices for the First Cul-de-Sac, completed in the early 90ties.