Souza Development Can Help Make Your Business Home A Reality

Conceived, Developed, Designed, and Built — Take a look at our newest addition to our commercial home and busienss home portfolio.  Souza Development’s timber frame event venue has atrium views, expansive staircases, overlooks, large windows, and so much more. Working together, Souza  helped the Columbus Club of Annapolis create and build their dream event home right in Annapolis, MD. It’s a unique event venue which rises above any in the Mid-Atlantic region. Yes, history has been made.

Souza Development

We have listened to thousands of ideas, thoughts and inspirations, which have lead to business homes and family homes that truly are as unique as their owner. 

Just call or Contact Souza Development at 410.573.1300. We can help put you on track to achieve great things in Maryland.

Check out what SoaringTimbers looks like now that it is all finished up!

3D Modeling Technology Unique Point-of-View

Many will say the difference is 3D modeling technology, which will create beautiful renderings and unique point-of-view fly-through models of your future commercial or fraternal home. This facility has put Souza Development’s status top of mind in Maryland.

Thinking about floor plans? Just ask, and we’ll provide.

We believe that all of the above is true, but what really makes a Souza Development business home special, is the people who turn dreams into dream homes. The most important member of our team is you. Let us earn your trust.